Warm Revelations

For the first time in forever, I have watched as nearly all of my hopes and desires are gently shaken from their sleep until they arose fully tangible in front of me. Or should I instead say, I watched as all of my hopes and desires were shaken and awakened from their coma?*

I think we all have experienced those moments and instances in life when it appears that our efforts are in void. When our consistent hard work and unfailing dedication does not yet produce the color on our pallet of experience to paint a picture that we can use to continuously motivate ourselves.

School, work and many elements of life can sometimes seem like this—like we are merely running on a treadmill. In most cases, we have the power to increase the pace; raise the incline; and/or engage in preset recommendations that have delivered results for others. We can confront our fears and challenge ourselves at whatever rate that we would like to. Often still, we ultimately remain blind to the domino effect that our intrinsic motivation has on our life. In the moment, we are at most only acutely aware of how our hard work and diligence will cash out.

But the day does come when we are able to take the check we have been slowly writing to the bank. The hour where we can reap what we have sown. The minute when we can step off of the treadmill and in-front of the mirror to witness all that has positively evolved because of the choices we made when no one was in sight.

I write this post today with the prayer that you receive the gift of encouragement from it. Sometimes a challenge will present itself as too large, too big, or simply too difficult but please do not forget that nothing is impossible for the God that created the Universe. Knowing that through Christ, we can do all things, we have the strength to shatter the box that previously encompassed our dreams. We now have the power to propel ourselves into a reality that is greater in every aspect previously imagined.

What is holding you back from reaching your dreams? One of the greatest demonstrations of faith is preparation. Regardless whether your surroundings are changing unceasingly or if they are eerily still, please do not forget who you are and who you have on your side. And do not hesitate to start preparing.

I have moved hours away from the place I once called home, but I am overwhelmed with peace that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. Tomorrow marks the second week where I will be continuing to build up my career as a Consultant for one of the biggest technology companies in the world. Somehow when you know who goes before you and fights your battles, it becomes that much easier to realize that no weapon formed against you will prosper. It really does not have a chance.

I humbly challenge you to increase the pace that you navigate your daily life, to raise the incline knowing that the fastest growth happens outside of your comfort zone and to utilize all of the resources presented to you because in this moment, I can transparently and whole-heartedly express to you that every tear, every pain and every ache was sooooo worth it.

Now I continue moving forward in hopes of accomplishing my next goals. It is never ending 🙂

Praying for you!
Love and peace always,

Kendall Carrin

*: This reference was reminiscent of those times I truly felt like I was working for nothing– those days where I honestly felt my dreams would be dead, yet I persisted.

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